8 1998 What is the girl born in the early hours of the morning? (wood, fire, water, earth)

Born in the early hours? Want a specific time

Birthday (Gregorian calendar):1August 998 18 5: 00.

Birthday (lunar calendar): June 27th, Wuyin year.

Eight characters: five-tone Geng Shen Ding You Gui Mao

Five elements: civil gold, fire gold and Shui Mu.

Yin Na: Pomegranate wood on the wall, gold foil on the mountain fire.

Five elements analysis:

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "fire", so it is best to use the five elements of "fire" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

This life is Wang Jin's five elements; The sun is dry and the sky is fire.

Born at 5-7 o'clock, born in the city wall.