A short, sleek English man starts with H?

There are 26 English letters, and there are countless English names suitable for boys. Therefore, how to quickly find your favorite English name, you can use the initials to find your favorite English name. For example, with the help of English names beginning with H, we can find simple, readable and easy-to-write English names. This way is quick and convenient, and it is also beneficial for others to remember. The following is a brief and fluent English male H, which is shared with you. Please refer to one or two if necessary!

A short and fluent English name begins with H.

For boys, when choosing short and fluent English names, parents should not only pay attention to the phonetic symbols and conciseness of English names, but also pay attention to their meanings. The following skills, names, etc. For your reference.


-phonetic symbol [heil], easy to read; English names with a length of 4 are composed of 4 letters, which are short and easy to write. It has the meaning of "hero" and is extracted as a boy's name, which highlights the characteristics of masculinity and implies courage, competence and responsibility.

Henry, Henry

-Phonetic symbols [? h? Nri], an easy-to-read English name; And "the person who manages the family; The meaning of "housemaster", extracted as a boy's name, is full of parents' expectations of him, hoping that he is responsible, intelligent and resourceful. In addition, literally, the word "Henry" is simple and easy to write.


-meaning "young", extracted as a boy's name, meaning that the child is young and energetic. In addition, the phonetic symbol is [? Huh? π ι n] loud and catchy. To satisfy everyone's search for fluent characters, from the perspective of letter collocation, "hogan" is simple and easy to write.

(Harold) Harold

-Derived from the old English name hereweald, making it shorter and more suitable for people to extract names. "The commander of the army; Leadership; The meaning of "brave in combat" highlights the characteristics of masculinity, and is very brave, smart, creative and outstanding.

Homer Homer

-Phonetic symbol ['h? Hmm? ] fluent and easy-to-read English words; The meaning of "pledge" comes from the helmet, which makes it "homer" simpler and more suitable for everyone to find short and smooth. Boys extract this English name, which means that people who value their feelings are valued and everything is in harmony.

A brief and fluent English Who's Who H:

Note 1: Is there any obscure meaning?

English words, like Chinese characters, are formed through the evolution of time. So some English names have good meanings today, but they have bad meanings after deep understanding. Extracting children's English names at this time will not only leave a bad impression, but also show their parents' culture. Therefore, when we are looking for short and smooth English names beginning with H to name boys, we should also pay attention to whether there are obscure meanings.

Note 2: Part of speech

English names, like Chinese names, are divided into three categories: neutral names, female names and male names, and this is also the place that needs everyone's attention. Because giving boys a feminine English name is not only bad for children to communicate, but also bad for leaving a good impression on others. Therefore, when giving boys English names, use short and fluent H, and pay attention to whether the English words you choose are suitable for boys' names.

More short and fluent famous British man H began to recommend:

(0 1), stop/repair

(02) Hugo/Hugo

(03), Hans/Hans

(04), hand/hand

(05), Holt/Holt

(06), Hale/Hale

(07), Hayes/Hayes

(08), Hardy/Hardy

(09), Hogan/Hogan

(10), Healy/Healy

(1 1), Harry/Harry

(12), Hyman/Hyman

(13), Hosea/Hosea


(15), Hardy/Hardy

(16), Hiram/Heller

(17), Howard/holder

(18), Harris/Harris

(19), Howard/Howard

(20), Hayden/Hayden

(2 1), Herman/Herman

(22), Hansen/Hansen

(23), Henson/Hansen

(24), Harlan/Harlan

(25), Harry/Harry

(26) hamlin/hamlin

(27), hammer/hammer

(28), Harden/Harden

(29) Heller/Heller

Henry/Henry (30 years old)

(3 1), Hilton/Hilton

(32), Harley/Harry

(33) Harvey/Harvey

(34), Hillary/Hillary

(35), hunter/hunter

(36), Hobart/Hobert

(37) Horace Harris

Hubert/Hubert (38)


Heather/Hayes (40 years old)

(4 1), Hartley/Hartley

(42) Heywood/Heywood

(43) Herbert/Herbert

(44), Houston/Houston

(45), Hoffman/Hoffman

(46), Netherlands/Netherlands

(47) Harding/Harding

You can also click on the customer service at the bottom to inquire about the eight-character name, Zhouyi name, company store name and baby name. We will give the baby a good name for good luck according to the date and time of birth!