The five elements of a person born at 10pm on the 13th day of the eighth lunar month in 1981

Birthday horoscope analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

September 10, 1981 22:0

Birthday (lunar calendar) Xin You year, August 13th, Hai hour

Bazi characters Xinyou, Dingyou, Xinmao, Jihai

Five elements: metal, fire, metal, metal, wood, earth and water

Nayin, pomegranate wood, Yamashita Fire, pine, cypress, flat wood

Overview: The horoscope is relatively strong, and the horoscope likes "water". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "water" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

Yongshen analysis: [Same Score]: Gold 4.80, Earth 1.00, *** total 5.80 points; [Odd Score]: Fire 1.00, Wood 1.30, Water 0.84, *** total 3.14 points; [Difference]: 2.66 points; [Comprehensive prosperity and decline score]: 2.66 points, "Bazi is strong"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is strong, Bazi likes "water", "water" is the destiny. "The God of Joy".