How to pronounce Yan in his name?

Detailed word meaning

◎ Yan Yan

(1) (pictophonetic characters. Xiao zhuan. From (wén) to (hǐ n). Well, you have a gift for literature. Original meaning: talented person) wise man. People with outstanding talents and virtues; Scholars; [person with both ability and political integrity]

Production, beautiful and happy. -"Shuo Wen"

Shi Mei is Hirohiko. -"Erya"

Man is a saint. -The Book of Rites University

It is such a person, a person who is outstanding in China. -"Poetry Zheng Feng Lamb Autumn"

(2) Another example is Yan Zhe (the wise man); Yan Sheng (who is kind and considerate, also refers to a person who is kind and considerate); Toshihiko