These eight words are: Cash transaction, please pay on credit.
See only the king but not the ministers, "see" and "king" appear;
There is gold in the shallows without water, "shallow" remove the water and add gold and money;
Six people pushed the cross, and under the "six" there was a "ten" that turned in the opposite direction, hand over;
The Yang family lost Mu Guiying, and "Yang" went to Mu (Mu) , Yi;
Taijun She got the treasure, add "Bei" before "She", it means credit;
Bei's eldest son wants to get married, "Bei" "grows" to get married, it's an account;
The date is determined to be December. In December, "green" is added next to "yan", please;
Two golden mountains are used as betrothal gifts, and two "mountains" are sent out.