A numerological analysis of the eight characters in Ding Wei's Xinhai

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

124 October 20 1010 22: 40

Birthday (Lunar New Year) September 17th.

Eight-character Geng Yin Xu Bing Ding Wei Xinhai

Wuxing Jin Mu Huotu Huotu Jinshui

On the wooden house of Yin Na pine and cypress, the earth, sky and river are all covered with gold.

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "wood", so it is best to use the five elements of "wood" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

Theological analysis: [similar score]: fire 2.9 1, wood 1.20, total score 4.11; [Heterogeneous score]: gold 2.67, water 0.72, soil 1. 14, totaling 4.53 points; [Poor]: -0.42; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -0.42, "eight characters are weak"; The eight characters like to use God are weak, and the eight characters like "wood", which is the "XiShen" of this life.