It's a birthday.

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

20 15 12 15 9: 00

Birthday (lunar calendar) b is on the fifth day of November.

Eight-character b not e-son b ugly Xin si

Wuxing mututu Shui Mu tujinhuo

Nayin gold placer, Thunder and Fire Gold, Ash Gold.

Summary: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "water". It is best to use the word "water" in the five elements. The analysis is as follows:

Analysis with gods: [similarity score]: wood 2.64, water 1.56, * * * 4.20; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 1.00, gold 1.50, soil 2.00, * * * 4.50; [Poor]: -0.30; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -0.30, "basic balance of eight characters"; Eight characters like to use God: The eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like water, and water is the XiShen of this life.