. Every time the land is supported by a pure seal or a three-way wood bureau, it will be transported by yin, and the mixed officials will be surprised again, and the main murderer will die. What do yo
. Every time the land is supported by a pure seal or a three-way wood bureau, it will be transported by yin, and the mixed officials will be surprised again, and the main murderer will die. What do you mean, God, help!
People born at the age of Ding Mao, Ding is his own seal, and B is his own owl god (or seven kills/robberies? )? Tibetan owl god is printed on the base. If there is no life-saving words or great luck in life and luck, this person is flashy, can succeed, and is easy to fail. If the words on the moon column are fierce, you can subdue the owl god, if I (the words on the moon column) are strong (sit as an official/emperor/crown belt, etc.) ), is a great life; If there is prosperity in the Universiade, it is also auspicious to go. When I was born on my birthday, if there is a fourth or unitary word in the year and month column, it is very suitable for subduing ghosts, which is very good. If there is a Geng or Shen who can combine evil spirits, this person can be a civilian. If there is a word on the moon column, it means that there is a system of seven kills, which can be in charge of the military and can also be a judge. If all the earthly branches are printed or printed, and then meet the clouds, it is that the official can't kill well and the murderer will die. View original post >>