When is the best time to be born on Gengzi Day?

Born on the day of Gengzi and in the time of Bingzi, he is noble and distinguished.

If the years and months meet again, then they will collide. At noon, the Ding fire in the weak will be the official, and the earth will be the seal, and it will enter the flying sky. If the pillar is not filled with financial officials, the native will be noble. If he is a monk and Taoist, he will be spotless and everything will be perfect. Even an ordinary person will have Fame is beneficial, but it will only hurt your wife through punishment. Another theory is that this is the fate of being poor first and then getting rich. Avoid the month of Ji Si, if it is damaged or injured by punishment, the native will be poor.

In the Guiwei month, the native will be lonely. In the month of Sihai, the native will be punished and injured. Gengzi is born on the day of Ding and Chou, in spring and summer, he is a noble person; in autumn, he is an ordinary person; in winter, he is lonely and hurts. Gengzi was born on the day of Wuyin, and if the year and month are in the year of Yinwu, the native will become famous. The earthly branches are purely of Shen character, and the main official is up to the third or fourth rank. In the Chou month, the fortune of gold and fire will be carried out, which is the order of the minister. Gengzi was born at Ji Mao on the day of Geng, and Zimao was the prime minister of punishment, and the lord was sad for his wife. In every year and month, if you are a child, you will be distinguished. Before the ugly appearance, the official reaches the third rank.

Another theory is that the native will lose his ancestors and become rich. Born on the day of Geng and on the hour of Geng and Chen, he was born in the month of Shen. It is a well column with a diagonal cross pattern. The character Bing, Ding, Si, Wu and Yinxu are not found in the horoscope and fortune of the lord. The lord of the life is distinguished. The earthly branches of the year and month are purely Mao characters, and the lord of the destiny is the duke.