How to write nine o'clock in the morning on December 13, 1980?

Birthday fortune telling

Gregorian calendar birth time: 09:00-09:59 on December 13, 1980

Lunar calendar birth time: the 11th day of the Gengshen year The seventh day of the lunar month is Si hour

Eight characters: Geng Shen Wu Zi Geng Shen Xin Si

Five elements: gold, gold, earth, water, gold, gold, fire

Nayin: pomegranate, wood, thunder, fire, pomegranate Wood White Wax Gold

My zodiac sign is monkey, and my zodiac sign is pomegranate wood. In the five elements, gold is strong and wood is lacking. The sun dominates the heavenly stem and is made of gold. Born in winter.

Same kind of metal and earth, different kind of fire, wood and water