What is the name of a boy born at 10:30 on April 8, 2013? Surname Li

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 10:30 on April 8, 2013

Birthday (lunar calendar): February 28, Guisi year

Borogram: Guisi, Bingchen, Jiachen, Jisi

Five elements: water, fire, fire, earth, wood, earth, earth, fire

Nayin: everlasting water, sand, earth, Buddha, lights, big forest trees

Five elements analysis:

Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "water". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "water" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

In this life, the five elements of fire are strong; the five elements are short of gold; the sun is ruled by the heavenly stem as wood (the same type is: wood and water; the different types are: fire, metal, and earth.

Five elements statistics: 1 wood, 3 fire, 3 earth, 0 gold, 1 water)

It is more meaningful if the parents agree on the child’s name