Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 10:30 on December 18, 2011
Birthday (lunar calendar): November 24, Xinmao year
Eight characters: Xinmao Gengzi, Ding Weiyisi
Five elements: metal, wood, gold, water, fire, earth, wood, fire
Nayin: earth, sky, river, water, Buddha, lights on the pine and cypress wall
This The five elements of the fortune are wood. The sun rules the heavenly stem and is fire (the same type is: fire and wood; the different types are: metal, water and earth. Five element statistics: 2 wood, 2 fire, 1 earth, 2 metal, 1 water). The horoscope is strong, and the horoscope likes "earth" ", it is best to use a word with the five-element attribute "earth" in the name.