What aspects of behavior include

Behavior includes the following aspects:

1. Gentleman's behavior

A gentleman's words and deeds are an important symbol of becoming a gentleman. British gentlemen have strict norms and long traditions in this regard.

For example, a pure English gentleman must shave, bathe, and dress neatly every morning so that no one will look at him a second time; he must believe in the church, the army, the navy, and the law, unless he Doing evil is not worthy of respect.

2. Correct behavior

(1) Standing posture: The standing posture should be natural, relaxed and graceful. No matter what posture you take when standing, only the posture and angle of your feet are changing, and your body must remain absolutely straight.

(2) Sitting posture: Its requirements are comfortable, natural, generous and dignified. In daily international interactions, there are certain requirements for seating and seating. When sitting down, your movements should be light, gentle, and natural. When you sit down, you should be gentle. Don't sit down suddenly or make any noise. When you sit down, you should be dignified and steady.

(3) Walking: Walking posture is extremely important, because people always walk more than standing, and they are usually done in public places, and people naturally form a relationship with each other. Aesthetic objects.

(4) Gestures: In international communication, gestures, as a communication symbol, are of great significance. Understanding and familiarizing yourself with certain common gestures can help you understand and communicate with each other more accurately.

(5) Smile: In international communication, if you encounter language barriers and are unable to communicate, smile is the "lubricant" that can quickly reach the stage of communication.

3. Bad behavior

(1) Improper use of mobile phones

(2) Spitting casually

(3) Throwing garbage

(4) Chewing gum in public

(5) Picking nose or ears in public

(6) Scratching scalp in public

( 7) Shaking legs in public places

4. Applicant behavior

(1) If you are an uninvited guest, you should make a half-fist shape with your right hand and use your middle finger to Knock gently and get permission before entering.

(2) When entering the office, you should raise your head, hold your chest out, smile, and look at the examiner without looking forward, backward, or left or right.

(3) You can only sit down when the examiner signals you to sit down.

(4) When you need to hand over personal information, you should stand up and hold it with both hands, showing generosity, humility and respect.

5. British manners

Every pure British gentleman must shave, bathe, and dress neatly every morning; he must believe in the church, the army, the navy, and the law, and unswervingly maintain one's own social status.

You must join a club of gentlemen, you must neither drink nor be teetotal; you must not lie, you must not cheat when playing cards, and of course you must not use legal language in the game; you must do everything you can to protect the lady Their reputation, even if she has nothing.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Behavior