The pinyin of the word Qi is [qí], {the second tone of the tone - Yangping}, and its meaning is beautiful jade or rare; the example word is Qihua; the five elements attribute is wood;
Qi The pinyin of the word is [qí], {the second tone of the tone - Yang Ping}, and the meaning is beautiful jade, rare or beautiful; the example word is Qiwei; the five elements attribute is wood;
The pinyin of the word Qi is [q? ], {The third tone of the tone - the upper tone}, the meaning is beautiful or wonderful; the example is Luo Qi; the five elements attribute is wood;
The pinyin of the word Qi is [qí], {the second tone of the tone - The meaning of Yang Ping is auspicious; the example word is Qixiang; the five elements attribute is wood.