The difference between transparent and black is just color
It also depends on the elasticity of the wheel
There are three standards for transparent and black. Ordinary bullet height This standard of elasticity is only for small domestic brands
So if you compare the transparent ordinary and black high elasticity, the black one must be more powerful
A friend said that Wang 2 is customized The second generation version of China Drift Network is actually a very good wheel
The elasticity is quite good and does not shake the feet, but the bearing is not good and the profit is extremely high. It is not recommended to buy it
Feifan's wheels are entry-level. The whiter the white wheels are, the more elastic they are, but they are all small plates and small wheels
There are indeed big wheels and big wheels, but just brushing the street plate bearings is not enough and the plate body is thin
The invincible one is indeed Freeline Needless to say, the elastic speed of the big plate and big wheel imported from the United States is RMB 800! !
The second recommendation is the domestically produced Newfeeling RMB 368 yuan. It has a big plate and a big wheel. It has good flexibility and speed, needless to say! ! !
The third recommendation is China Ticket Network 2nd generation RMB 380 yuan. Big board and big wheel. Very elastic and average speed!