1973 what is the horoscope of people born at 8: 00 am on August 8?

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

18: 00 on August 8, 973

Birthday (July) at ten o'clock.

Eight-character quotations Geng Shen Bingzi Ren Chen

Wuxing soil and water jinhuo jinshui soil and water

Nayinsong and pomegranate caves are often flooded.

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "wood", so it is best to use the five elements of "wood" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

Theological analysis: [Similarity score]: fire 1.00, wood 0.32, total 1.32; [Heterogeneity score]: gold 2. 17, water 4.56, soil 1.00, totaling 7.73 points; [Poor]:-6.41; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -6.4 1, "eight characters are weak"; The eight characters like to use God are weak, and the eight characters like "wood", which is the "XiShen" of this life.