/kloc-what do girls born in September of 0/5 17+07 lack?

Date of birth analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

20 15 September 17 June 17: 57

Birthday (lunar calendar) b is on the fifth day of August.

Eight-character B, no, no, no, no, Bing Shen, Ding You

The five elements belong to wood, earth, wood, gold, fire, gold, fire and gold.

Nayin Shajin Spring, water is under the mountain, and fire is under the mountain.

Summary: Eight characters are strong, and eight characters like "water", so it is best to use the five elements of "water" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

Analysis with gods: [Similar score]: fire 2.30, wood 2.20, * * * 4.50; [Heterogeneous fraction]: gold 3.24, water 0.36, soil 0.50, * * * 4.10; [Poor]: 0.40; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: 0.40, "strong eight characters"; Eight characters like to use God: eight characters are strong, eight characters like water, and water is the XiShen of this life.