The child's name is Daquan, 65438+born around 7: 00 June 2002, surnamed Hu.

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

Seven o'clock on September 22nd, 2002.

Birthday (lunar calendar) August 16th, the year of noon.

Baziren Wu Jiyou returned to Chen Sibing

Wuxing huoshuitu jinshui huotu

The soil in Dayi, a willow tree, will always be flowing water and sand.

Summary: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters are happy with "gold". It is best to use the five elements of "gold" for the name. The analysis is as follows:

Divine analysis: [similar score]: water 2.64, gold 1.56, with a total score of 4.20; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 2.70, wood 0.30, soil 1.50, with a total score of 4.50; [Poor]: -0.30; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -0.30, "basic balance of eight characters"; The eight characters like to use God: the eight characters are basically balanced, and the eight characters like "gold", which is the "XiShen" of this life.

Hu Wuxing: civil gold

Hu Shaofeng-Five Elements: Local Gold and Gold.

Hu Yuyu-Five Elements: Earth Gold

Hu Sijia-Five Elements: Jin Mu Native

Hu Shibin-Five Elements: Earth, Gold and Water

Hu Chaokai-Five Elements: Jin Mu Native Land

Hu Chengrun-Five Elements: Earth, Gold and Water

Hu Wuxing: civil gold