My zodiac sign is Pig, and I am born in the sea. Official status. Transformation grid. When the gold in the Shen month is strong, water is used. The financial position is due east.
The conditions for official positions are good and suitable for development in politics and public service.
The official of the monthly branch has a correct nature, is responsible for his duties, and works hard in a down-to-earth manner.
There is robbery in the pillar, and the fortune will be easily blocked.
There are partial officials in the pillars, which are prone to failure due to stubborn nature.
If you are weak and have no money, firstly, when seeking wealth, you should let nature take its course and rely on hard work to support your family;
Secondly, when you encounter financial luck in the financial year, you should wear the same color as the Bijie seal. Clothes, go to live and work in the direction of Bijieyin;
Third, if you do business in a partnership, you have to focus on others, and you can only do small business.
People with official status are suitable for banking, accounting and other jobs.
People with Qi Qi personality are suitable for securities and futures.
Thanks for the fate, this is my message.
I find it helpful, and I look forward to adopting it!