Geng, Xin, Yin, Mao, Ren, Gui, C, D, E, Ji.
These arrangements will be easy to handle.
First of all, the ground support should be shoulder to shoulder, at least the main gas should be shoulder to shoulder, and miscellaneous gas is useless. If you are on an equal footing, it will definitely affect your life, because there are four dry days except dry days every day, and dry days are an external manifestation. If these three dry days account for one, the remaining two are either blocked or robbed, which is not good. What is the reason? I robbed the same amount of money, and Yin Sheng was no higher than fate. Worse, shoulder to shoulder, master butcher. . . If what I said above is comparable, so is it for me. Rob money will kill people, only talented people will kill people! Hey, I played hard. Go to Baidu if you don't believe me. Absolutely original. Please adopt it.