(2) Long-term heavy use of tobacco and alcohol. Long-term heavy use of alcohol and tobacco will lead to the decline of semen quality. Smoking marijuana and * * * will also affect male fertility. Have you had a fever over 38.5 degrees Celsius in the past 6 months? If the fever exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, it will inhibit sperm production for 6 months, and fever will also destroy sperm DNA.
(3) taking certain drugs. Some drugs can cause a temporary or permanent decrease in sperm, such as some hormone preparations, such as androgens, estrogens, steroids and other drugs for the treatment of urinary tract infections; Drugs for gout, such as colchicine and drugs for ulcerative colitis, will temporarily reduce the number of sperm. Studies have shown that pregnant women who eat or contact female hormones or estrogen-like additives will give birth to boys with abnormal genitalia or low testicular sperm production ability. Taking androgen to exercise can also lead to a decrease in sperm count. Some chemicals used to treat cancer will also affect fertility;
(4) Contact with radioactive substances. Radiotherapy will cause irreversible damage to reproductive function. For these patients, it is necessary to freeze sperm in advance in case of emergency.
(5) recent surgery or general anesthesia. In the last six months, if you have undergone surgery or general anesthesia of testicular biopsy, these will temporarily inhibit the sperm production ability of testis. Patients who undergo prostatectomy and bladder neck surgery due to obstruction sometimes cause retrograde ejaculation and azoospermia. Due to trauma, the urethral orifice is narrow, and semen can not be ejected. Hypospadias or hypospadias sometimes lead to difficulty in ejaculation after reconstruction surgery. Hernia surgery sometimes causes obstruction of vas deferens. Vasectomy or vasectomy will produce anti-sperm antibodies and reduce the benefit of vasectomy. After the successful operation of varicocele, the quality of semen has not improved, so we should find out other causes of infertility.
(6) Repeated infection. Repeated urinary tract infections, such as prostate infection, will damage reproductive organs and affect semen quality. Sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis, chlamydia gonorrhoeae, herpes virus and human papillomavirus infection, can lead to male infertility. Chlamydia is a common cause of paratorchitis. Herpes virus and human papillomavirus can reduce sperm motility.
(7) External force damage. Testicles are damaged by external forces, and occasionally they are the cause of infertility. This is mainly due to testicular hematoma or atrophy caused by testicular trauma. Unilateral testicular trauma will affect the spermatogenic function of the other testis by producing anti-sperm antibodies. Have you ever experienced scrotal swelling and pain before or during adolescence? Which means it could be testicular torsion. If testicular torsion lasts for more than 6 hours without tension, fertility will decrease. Cryptorchidism is also related to the severity of infertility.
(8) Long-term exposure to high temperature. Long-term exposure to high temperature, such as driving for a long time or washing for three times, will lead to the decrease of testicular sperm lysis ability. Long-term exposure to heavy metals such as lead, chromium and mercury, or pesticides, herbicides and carbon sulfides will reduce fertility.