What five elements is Wu Jianian missing?

Analysis results of five elements and eight characters

Birthday (Gregorian calendar):

20141018: 00 on October 29th.

Birthday (lunar calendar): 6 o'clock on the first day of September in Wu Jianian.

Eight characters: Wu Jia, JOE, Gui You and Chen Bing.

Five elements: wood, fire, wood, earth, water, gold, fire and earth.

Yin Na: Jinshatou Fire Sword Wind Jinshatou

Five elements analysis:

Summary: Eight characters are weak, and eight characters like "water", so it is best to use the five elements of "water" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

There is no shortage of five elements in this life, Wang Mu; The sun is dry and the sky is watery. Heterogeneity: firewood and soil. Five-element statistics: 2 wood, 2 fire, 2 soil 1 gold 1 water)

Theological analysis: [similarity score]: water 1.27, gold 1.5 1, * * * 2.78; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 2.29, wood 2.30, soil 1. 14, * * * 5.73; [Poor]: -2.95 points; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: -2.95, "eight characters are weak"; Eight-character God: Eight-character weak, eight-character water-loving, is the XiShen of this life.