Please calculate the name of the five elements and eight characters. The boy was born at 23:15 on December 26, 2011. His surname is Li.

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 23:15 on December 26, 2011

Birthday (lunar calendar): The second day of the twelfth lunar month of the Xinmao year

Bazi : Xinmao Gengzi Bingchen Wuzi

Five elements: metal, wood, gold, water, fire, earth, soil and water

Nayin: earth on the pine and cypress wood wall, earth in the sand, earth in the sand, thunder and fire

This The five elements of the fortune are strong in earth; the sun rules the heavenly stem and is fire (the same type is: fire and wood; the different types are: metal, water and earth. Five element statistics: 1 wood, 1 fire, 2 earth, 2 metal, 2 water), the horoscope is weak, and the horoscope likes "fire" ", it is best to use a word with the five-element attribute "fire" in the name.

Li Zhenye (Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Fire)

Zhen, judging from the birth date, the name must have the help of fire, and the five-element attribute of Zhen is fire.

Ye, judging from the birth date, the name must have the help of fire. The five elements of the character Ye are fire.

The word Zhen means to rise, rise, and be powerful; Ye means bright, bright, and bright, which has a beautiful meaning.

The pronunciation of the pronunciation of Li, Zhen and Ye is lǐ, zhèn and yè, the tones are rising, falling and falling, and the pronunciation is good.

The font Li has an up-and-down structure, with 7 strokes; Zhen has a left-right structure, with 10 strokes; Ye has a left-right structure, with 10 strokes; the font is beautiful and easy to write.

The five-square strokes of this name are 7-11-14, which means the five-square strokes are very lucky.

The meaning of this name can be interpreted as: "Megatron? Bright".

Li Zhuoxu (Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Fire)

Zhuo, judging from the birth date, the name must have the help of fire, and the five-element attribute of Zhuo is fire.

Xu, judging from the birth date, the name must have the help of fire, and the five elements attribute of the character "Xu" is fire.

The word Yi Zhuo means superb, brilliant, and lofty; Xu means rising sun, light, and dawn, which has a beautiful meaning.

The pronunciation of the melody Li, Zhuo, and Xu is lǐ, zhuó, and xù, and the intonations are Shang Teng, Yang Ping, and Qu Tone. The pronunciation is beautiful and catchy.

The font Li has an up-and-down structure with 7 strokes; Zhuo has an up-and-down structure with 8 strokes; Xu has a semi-surrounding structure with 6 strokes; the font is beautiful and easy to write.

The five-square stroke combination of this name is 7-8-6, which means the five-square strokes are very lucky.

The meaning of this name can be interpreted as: "gao Ming? Bright". The idiom is outstanding. The rising sun expands the artistic conception of the name.

Li Weiming (Five Elements: Wood, Earth, Fire)

However, this word can match your surname better.

Ming, judging from the birth date and horoscope, the name must have the help of fire, and the five-element attribute of Ming is fire.

The meaning of the word is to think, hope, and contemplate; Ming means bright, wise, clear, and has a beautiful meaning.

The pronunciation of the melody Li, Wei, and Ming are lǐ, wéi, and míng, and the intonations are Shangsheng, Yangping, and Yangping, and the pronunciation is good.

The font Li has an up-and-down structure, with 7 strokes; Wei has a left-right structure, with 11 strokes; Ming has a left-right structure, with 8 strokes; the font is beautiful and easy to write.

The five strokes of this name are 7-12-8, which is good for all five strokes.

The meaning of the name can be interpreted as: "Being a role model for others, and being virtuous and kind (Sun Wenhua's "A Thousand Sentences of Chinese Idioms" has cultivated people for a hundred years)".

The idiom Ming De Wei Xin expands the artistic conception of the name.