Urgent, urgent, urgent, name your son! !

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 18:19 on April 4, 2011

Birthday (lunar calendar): Unitary hour on the second day of the third month of the Xinmao year

Boroscope: Xin Mao Xin Mao Ji Chou Gui You

Five elements: metal, wood, metal, wood, earth, earth, water, metal

Nayin: pine and cypress wood, pine and cypress wood, thunder, fire, sword, edge and gold

Five Elements Analysis:

Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "fire". It is best to use the character with the attribute of "fire" in the five elements.

The analysis is as follows:

In this life, the five elements of metal are prosperous; the five elements lack fire; the sun is dominated by the heavenly stem: earth (the same type is: earth and fire; the different types are: metal, wood, and water. Five element statistics: 2 wood, 0 fire, 2 earth, 3 gold, 1 water)

Yongshen analysis: [similar score]: earth 1.50, fire 0.00, total 1.50 points; [unusual score]: gold 3.20, wood 2.40, water 1.30, *** total 6.90 points; [Difference]: -5.40 points; [Comprehensive prosperity and decline score]: -5.40 points, "Bazi is weak"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is weak, Bazi is happy "Fire", "fire" is the "god of joy" in this life.

Name: Weiyu (brilliant)