However, they are just prostitutes in brothels, and their talents are just veils to cover up their desires. Once it really interests buyers, it no longer has the value of existence. Sister Red is a happy woman. She is both a busker and a prostitute. Young people make money by selling their colors.
Interpretation of The Red Pavilion Now
Hung Hom Gymnasium "highlight =" true "> Hong Kong Gymnasium, also known as Hung Hom Gymnasium (hereinafter referred to as Hung Hom Gymnasium), is a comprehensive indoor multi-purpose competition and performing arts venue in China and Hong Kong. Located at No.9 Changyun Road, Hung Hom, Yau Tsim Mong District, Kowloon, the platform of MTR Hung Hom Station. It was opened on 27 April, 1983, and is currently managed by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
The Hong Kong Stadium is as wide as a diamond or an inverted pyramid. Air conditioning, with 12500 seats. There are no pillars in the stadium.