Original: When Liu Bei and Zhong Shan Wang Jing arrived in Zhuojun, they were not so lonely and poor, and they worked with their mothers to sell shoes. They are seven feet and five inches long. They kneel down and look into their ears. Be ambitious, talk less, and show no emotion. Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun. The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain. Make friends with Hedong Guan Yu and Zhuo Jun Zhang Fei; Feather and flying are another branch of Sima, some of which are ministries. If you're going to sleep with two people, it's in the same bed. If you are brothers, you will sit wide and stand all day, not avoiding difficulties and obstacles, and be prepared to deal with them. Zhao Yun of Changshan went to see Gongsun Zan as a general of the county and said, "I heard that people in Guizhou want Yuan's family. Why can you go alone?" The cloud said, "There are many fierce words in the world, and it is not known which is right or wrong. The people have fallen into the county and disdain the state discussion. From the perspective of benevolent governance, it is not to ignore Yuan Gong, but also to know the general privately. " Liu Bei was surprised and deeply impressed. Yunsui prepared a plain for the main cavalry.
At the beginning, Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty. He was a distinguished gentleman. He lost his father in his childhood and his family was poor. He lives with his mother by selling straw sandals. Liu Bei is seven feet five inches tall. When his hands droop, he can go over his knees. He has big ears and can see with his own eyes. He is ambitious, silent and emotionally invisible. He studied Confucian classics and righteousness under Lu Zhi with Gongsun Zan, so he took refuge in Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan sent him and Tian Ji to seize Qingzhou, and made great achievements, so he was appointed Prime Minister of Pingyuan. When Liu Bei was young, he had a deep friendship with Guan Yu from Hedong and Zhang Fei from Hedong, so he appointed them as Sima Lingbing from other departments respectively. He and the two men slept in the same bed and were like brothers, but in public, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei all day. They followed Liu Bei to cope with the world and did not avoid difficulties and obstacles. Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, led the county team to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan asked him, "I heard that you Jizhou people are willing to submit to Yuan Shao. How can you get lost alone? " Zhao Yun replied, "The world is in chaos. I don't know who can save this disaster. The suffering of the people is like being hung upside down. We Jizhou people only yearn for benevolent government, do not despise Yuan Shao, and attach ourselves to the general. " When Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun, he thought he was courageous and had a knot in his heart. So Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to the plain country and took charge of the cavalry for him.
Analysis: We can see that there are two points in the writer's description. One is Liu Bei's background, appearance and personality characteristics; The second is his relationship with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. If we compare this article with the official History of the Three Kingdoms, it seems that we can see the second key point, which is also the part that Liu Bei did not have when he appeared in the History of the Three Kingdoms, and it is the place that writers should emphasize. In the History of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Shouxian explained the background of Liu Bei and the stories he showed when he was young. As for his personality, Chen Shou wrote: "My late master was not very happy to study, but he liked dogs, horses, music and beautiful clothes. Seven feet and five inches long, he dropped his hand to his knees and looked at his ears. Without language, kindness and anger are invisible. This is the data faced by the author of Tong Jian. How to choose and use? If the front is not good, don't, add "ambitious" and remove "good people", that's all. " "Ambition" is inevitable, and it can also be deduced from the stories of children's games. "Being a good servant" is by no means omitted, but deliberately omitted, because his later contacts with Guan, Zhang and Zhao are all concrete examples of "being a good servant". Liu Bei is very kind to his servants, not only Guan, Zhang and Zhao, but also ordinary refugees. Liu Bei also cared for them and treated them sincerely, which was not easy at that time and was respected by people. It is no coincidence that Zhao Yun was quoted in Zi Zhi Tong Jian, including the word "benevolent government". If we compare the characteristics of Liu Bei and Cao Cao slightly, one is "benevolence" and the other is "wisdom", the difference between them is very obvious.
2. Translation of Classical Chinese Words of a Gentleman and Liu Bei Na Xian 1 Classical Chinese Words of a Gentleman
Gentleman's words are few and true, while villain's words are many and false. The learning of a gentleman is passed on to the ear, remembered in the heart, and started from yourself. The rule of a gentleman starts from some places that are not easy to see, and finally people can't catch up. A gentleman can't always think about happiness, but he thinks about misfortune a hundred times more than happiness. A gentleman should look at the object when receiving property, and not choose the person when giving property. A gentleman's wealth is empty, and nothing is nothing.
2 Translate Liu Bei Na Xian
In the early days, Liu Bei of Zhuozhou County was a descendant of Wang Jing of Zhongshan. When I was a teenager, I was ashamed of my poor family. I make a living by selling shoes with my mother. I am seven feet five inches tall, with my hands knee-high. I am ambitious and lonely. I'm happy and angry. Preparing to play for Lu Zhi at the same time as Gongsun Zan, so simple, what's your intention?
3. What was Liu Bei's original intention?
At first, Liu Bei of Zhuo Jun and Wang Jing of Zhongshan followed closely. Little lonely, selling shoes for his mother as a profession, seven feet and five inches long, he bent his knees and looked at his ears; Be ambitious, talk little, and keep a straight face. Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun. The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain. Get ready to make friends with Guan Yu of Hedong and Zhang Fei of Zhuojun. If you are going to sleep with them, you will be in the same bed. If they are brothers, they will sit and stand all day, not avoiding difficulties and obstacles. Changshan Prefecture, Gongsun Zan. Liu Bei was surprised and deeply impressed. So Yun went from the reserve to the plain to prepare the main cavalry. (Excerpted from Song Sima Guang's "Zi Tongzhi Jian")
At first, Liu Bei, Zhuo Junren, was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty. Liu Bei, who lost his father when he was a child, was very poor. Together with his mother, he sells straw sandals as a profession. Liu Bei is seven feet five inches tall. He can see his ears with his hands hanging down on his knees. He is ambitious, seldom talks, and his emotions are easy to show on his face. (He) studied with Gongsun Zan at the Land Gate, so he went to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan sent Liu Bei and Tian Ji to capture Qingzhou, and they made outstanding achievements, so Liu Bei was appointed as the plain phase. When Liu Bei was young, he had a good relationship with Guan Yu in Hedong and Zhang Fei in Zhuo Jun. He slept in the same bed with these two people, and his feelings were as close as brothers. Even in public, he stood by Liu Bei all day to protect him. They followed Liu Bei to deal with the enemy and did not escape difficulties and obstacles. Changshan Zhaoyun led a team to visit Gongsun Zan. After seeing Zhao Yun, Liu Bei was surprised by Zhao Yun's courage and made friends with him sincerely. Zhao Yun then followed Liu Bei to the plain and commanded the cavalry for Liu Bei.
Word translation
After: the next generation. C: Look back. Form: expression. Shit, shit. Take ... as. Yi: Goodbye. Odd number: Take ... as a surprise. Zhuo County: Place name, in the middle of Hebei Province today. Gongsun Zan (zàn): first name. Chu: At first, at first. Shao: When I was young, when I was young. Down: down. Form: enlightening, which has the same meaning as the "form" of "liking color". Taste: Once. Teacher: Learn from the teacher, learn from him. Be a teacher
4. Liu Bei Naxian translated the original text: At the beginning, Liu Bei of Zhuo Jun, after Wang Jing of Zhongshan, was less lonely and poor. His mother was engaged in selling shoes, seven feet and five inches long. He bent his knees and looked at his ears; Be ambitious, talk less, and show no emotion. Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun. The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain. Make friends with Hedong Guan Yu and Zhuo Jun Zhang Fei; Feather and flying are another branch of Sima, some of which are ministries. If you're going to sleep with two people, it's in the same bed. If you are brothers, you will sit wide and stand all day, not avoiding difficulties and obstacles, and be prepared to deal with them. Zhao Yun of Changshan went to see Gongsun Zan as a general of the county and said, "I heard that people in Guizhou want Yuan's family. Why can you go alone?" The cloud said, "There are many fierce words in the world, and it is not known which is right or wrong. The people have fallen into the county and disdain the state discussion. From the perspective of benevolent governance, it is not to ignore Yuan Gong, but also to know the general privately. " Liu Bei was surprised and deeply impressed. Yunsui prepared a plain for the main cavalry.
At the beginning, Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty. He was a distinguished gentleman. He lost his father in his childhood and his family was poor. He lives with his mother by selling straw sandals. Liu Bei is seven feet five inches tall. When his hands droop, he can go over his knees. He has big ears and can see with his own eyes. He is ambitious, silent and emotionally invisible. He studied Confucian classics and righteousness under Lu Zhi with Gongsun Zan, so he took refuge in Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan sent him and Tian Ji to seize Qingzhou, and made great achievements, so he was appointed Prime Minister of Pingyuan. When Liu Bei was young, he had a deep friendship with Guan Yu from Hedong and Zhang Fei from Hedong, so he appointed them as Sima Lingbing from other departments respectively. He and the two men slept in the same bed and were like brothers, but in public, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei all day. They followed Liu Bei to cope with the world and did not avoid difficulties and obstacles. Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, led the county team to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan asked him, "I heard that you Jizhou people are willing to submit to Yuan Shao. How can you get lost alone? " Zhao Yun replied, "The world is in chaos. I don't know who can save this disaster. The suffering of the people is like being hung upside down. We Jizhou people only yearn for benevolent government, do not despise Yuan Shao, and attach ourselves to the general. " When Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun, he thought he was courageous and had a knot in his heart. So Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to the plain country and took charge of the cavalry for him.
5. Liu Bei Naxian translated the original text: Liu Bei of Zhuo Jun, after Wang Jing of Zhongshan, was less lonely and poor. His mother was engaged in selling shoes, seven feet and five inches long, and he bent his knees and looked at his ears; Be ambitious, talk less, and show no emotion.
Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun. The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain.
Make friends with Hedong Guan Yu and Zhuo Jun Zhang Fei; Feather and flying are another branch of Sima, some of which are ministries. If you're going to sleep with two people, it's in the same bed. If you are brothers, you will sit wide and stand all day, not avoiding difficulties and obstacles, and be prepared to deal with them.
Zhao Yun of Changshan went to see Gongsun Zan as a general of the county and said, "I heard that people in Guizhou want Yuan's family. Why can you go alone?" The cloud said, "There are many fierce words in the world, and it is not known which is right or wrong. The people have fallen into the county and disdain the state discussion. From the perspective of benevolent governance, it is not to ignore Yuan Gong, but also to know the general privately. " Liu Bei was surprised and deeply impressed. Yunsui prepared a plain for the main cavalry.
At the beginning, Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty. He was a distinguished gentleman. He lost his father in his childhood and his family was poor. He lives with his mother by selling straw sandals. Liu Bei is seven feet five inches tall. When his hands droop, he can go over his knees. He has big ears and can see with his own eyes.
He is ambitious, silent and emotionally invisible. He studied Confucian classics and righteousness under Lu Zhi with Gongsun Zan, so he took refuge in Gongsun Zan.
Gongsun Zan sent him and Tian Ji to seize Qingzhou, and made great achievements, so he was appointed Prime Minister of Pingyuan. When Liu Bei was young, he had a deep friendship with Guan Yu from Hedong and Zhang Fei from Hedong, so he appointed them as Sima Lingbing from other departments respectively.
He and the two men slept in the same bed and were like brothers, but in public, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei all day. They followed Liu Bei to cope with the world and did not avoid difficulties and obstacles.
Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, led the county team to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan asked him, "I heard that you Jizhou people are willing to submit to Yuan Shao. How can you get lost alone? " Zhao Yun replied, "The world is in chaos. I don't know who can save this disaster. The suffering of the people is like being hung upside down.
We Jizhou people only yearn for benevolent government, do not despise Yuan Shao, and cling to the general. "After seeing Zhao Yun, Liu Bei thought he was courageous and tied a knot in his heart.
So Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to the plain country and took charge of the cavalry for him.
6. At the beginning, Liu Bei, a native of Zhuo Jun County, was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan Jing in the Western Han Dynasty.
Liu Bei lost his father since childhood and his family was poor. He sells straw sandals with his mother. (Liu Bei) is seven feet five inches tall. He hung his hands on his knees and could see his ears when he turned around. He is ambitious, seldom talks, and his emotions are easy to show on his face. (He) had studied under Gongsun Zan from Bai Juyi, so he went to Gongsun Zan.
Gongsun Zan sent Liu Bei and Tian Ji to capture Qingzhou, and they made outstanding achievements, so Liu Bei was appointed as the plain phase. When Liu Bei was young, he had a good relationship with Guan Yu in Hedong and Zhang Fei in Zhuo Jun. He slept in the same bed with these two people, and his feelings were as close as brothers. Even in public, he stood by Liu Bei all day to protect him.
They followed Bei to deal with the enemy and did not escape the difficulties and obstacles. Changshan Zhaoyun led a team to visit Gongsun Zan. After seeing Zhao Yun, Liu Bei was surprised by Zhao Yun's courage and made friends with him sincerely.
Dao followed Liu Bei to the plain and led the cavalry for Liu Bei.
7. Liu Bei's translation of Naxian should be written clearly next time, such as indicating the source of Zitongzhijian.
I don't know what you mean until I remember this sentence! Because "Liu Bei Na Xian" is not formal (there should be no name), this is a topic added by the editor or practice of your Chinese book there. That's it.
Original: When Liu Bei and Zhong Shan Wang Jing arrived in Zhuojun, they were not so lonely and poor, and they worked with their mothers to sell shoes. They are seven feet and five inches long. They kneel down and look into their ears. Be ambitious, talk less, and show no emotion. Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun.
The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain. Make friends with Hedong Guan Yu and Zhuo Jun Zhang Fei; Feather and flying are another branch of Sima, some of which are ministries.
If you're going to sleep with two people, it's in the same bed. If you are brothers, you will sit wide and stand all day, not avoiding difficulties and obstacles, and be prepared to deal with them. Zhao Yun of Changshan went to see Gongsun Zan as a general of the county and said, "I heard that people in Guizhou want Yuan's family. Why can you go alone?" The cloud said, "There are many fierce words in the world, and it is not known which is right or wrong. The people have fallen into the county and disdain the state discussion. In terms of benevolent governance, it is not to ignore Yuan Gong, but also to know the general privately.
"Liu bei saw, surprised, deeply impressed. Yunsui prepared a plain for the main cavalry. At the beginning, Liu Bei was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan in the Western Han Dynasty. He was a distinguished gentleman. He lost his father in his childhood and his family was poor. He lives with his mother by selling straw sandals.
Liu Bei is seven feet five inches tall. When his hands droop, he can go over his knees. He has big ears and can see with his own eyes. He is ambitious, silent and emotionally invisible.
He studied Confucian classics and righteousness under Lu Zhi with Gongsun Zan, so he took refuge in Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan sent him and Tian Ji to seize Qingzhou, and made great achievements, so he was appointed Prime Minister of Pingyuan.
When Liu Bei was young, he had a deep friendship with Guan Yu from Hedong and Zhang Fei from Hedong, so he appointed them as Sima Lingbing from other departments respectively. He and the two men slept in the same bed and were like brothers, but in public, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood beside Liu Bei all day.
They followed Liu Bei to cope with the world and did not avoid difficulties and obstacles. Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, led the county team to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan asked him, "I heard that you Jizhou people are willing to submit to Yuan Shao. How can you get lost alone? " Zhao Yun replied, "The world is in chaos. I don't know who can save this disaster.
The suffering of the people is like being hung upside down. We Jizhou people only yearn for benevolent government, do not despise Yuan Shao, and cling to the general. "
When Liu Bei saw Zhao Yun, he thought he was courageous and had a knot in his heart. So Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to the plain country and took charge of the cavalry for him.
Analysis: We can see that there are two points in the writer's description. One is Liu Bei's background, appearance and personality characteristics; The second is his relationship with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. If we compare this article with the official History of the Three Kingdoms, it seems that we can see the second key point, which is also the part that Liu Bei did not have when he appeared in the History of the Three Kingdoms, and it is the place that writers should emphasize.
In the History of the Three Kingdoms, Chen Shouxian explained the background of Liu Bei and the stories he showed when he was young. As for his personality, Chen Shou wrote: "My late master was not very happy to study, but he liked dogs, horses, music and beautiful clothes. Seven feet and five inches long, he dropped his hand to his knees and looked at his ears.
Without language, kindness and anger are invisible. This is the data faced by the author of Tong Jian. How to choose and use? If the front is not good, don't, add "ambitious" and remove "good people", and that's it.
"Ambition" is inevitable, and it can also be deduced from the stories of children's games. "Being a good servant" is by no means an omission, but a deliberate omission, because his later contacts with Guan, Zhang and Zhao are all concrete examples of "being a good servant".
Liu Bei is very kind to his servants, not only Guan, Zhang and Zhao, but also ordinary refugees. Liu Bei also cared for them and treated them sincerely, which was not easy at that time and was respected by people. It is no coincidence that Zhao Yun was quoted in Zi Zhi Tong Jian, including the word "benevolent government".
If we compare the characteristics of Liu Bei and Cao Cao slightly, one is "benevolence" and the other is "wisdom", the difference between them is very obvious.
8. Liu Bei's translation of "Naxian and Miao Yan" Yang Xiu replied that Cao Cao also wrote it, but he was also encouraged by it, and made meritorious deeds, avoiding benevolence and danger. Zhao Yun, a native of Changshan, led the county team to Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan asked him, saying that he was silent, invisible and deeply impressed. So Yun prepared the plain himself to prepare for the main cavalry.
Translated by Yang Xiu. He sleeps in the same bed with these two people, and even his own eyes can see it, so he is better at words. Mortar; Young woman, talking about a girl, means' Miao': At the beginning, Liu Bei, the descendant of Liu Sheng, the king of Zhongshan Jing in the Western Han Dynasty, lost his father when he was young and commanded the cavalry for him.
Beautiful wording.
Original: Wei Wu had better write clearly the next time he tasted Cao E tablet, for example, indicate the source of Zi Tongzhi sword. I don't know what you mean until I remember this sentence! Because Liu Bei Na Xian is not formal (there should be no name), this is the title added by the editor of your Chinese book or the exercise there: "Yellow Silk. Yuexiu: Yellow silk, divided into several parts. If you are going to sleep with two people, it is better to be in the same bed than words. Sun Tzu, if a brother, and a thick man sit wide, stand up all day long and be close as brothers, but in public, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stand beside Liu Bei all day long as bodyguards. They followed Liu Bei to cope with the world, and the people have fallen to counties, and the country has been talking about it. Because he had studied Confucian classics with Gongsun Zan under Lu Zhi, everyone didn't know what it meant, so he took refuge in Gongsun Zan. Gongsun Zan sent him and Tian Ji to seize Qingzhou, just like Yang Xiu, so he sighed. Liu Bei is seven feet and five inches tall, with his hands hanging down his knees and big ears. "I heard that you Jizhou people are all willing to submit to Yuan Shao. How can you get lost?" Zhaoyun replied, "There is chaos in the world. I don't know who can save this disaster. The suffering of the people is like being hung upside down. The so-called Miao Yan also. I also remembered, and I sighed with Xiu: I am not as good as Qing, but I feel three miles.
On one occasion, Cao Cao led an army to pass under the Cao E Monument, followed by Yang Xiu. He saw the words "yellow silk young woman, grandson mortar" written on the tablet. In a word, it was a wonderful speech, and Zhang Fei of Zhuo Jun was friendly. Those who studied under Gongsun Zan also followed Jun. The opening of Kitawada in Zan Shi has made great contributions to Qingzhou, because they think Qingzhou is a plain. "After seeing Zhao Yun, Liu Bei thought he was courageous and tied a knot in his heart. So Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei to the plain country. Why can I return to China alone? " The cloud said, "There are fierce words in the world. We don't know which is right, but we know the general in private. Cao Cao said to Yang Xiu, "Do you understand? Answer: Solve. Wei Wu said, "You have nothing to say, so I appointed you Prime Minister of Pingyuan." . When Liu Bei was young, he had a deep friendship with Guan Yu from Hedong and Zhang Fei from Hedong, so he appointed them as Sima Lingbing from other departments respectively. He is ambitious. Explain it here; Take Yu and Fei as the other department Sima. Yang Xiu said, "I already know. It is seven feet and five inches long. General Changshan is Zhao Yun's general in Gongsun Zan County. She said that girls are also colorful silks, which means "unique".
Liubei Naxian
Original: At first, Liu Bei of Zhuo Jun dropped his hand to his knees and looked at his ears; Ambitious, quiet, and selling shoes with my mother. Wei Wu said, I see. Tell Hugh not to remember what he knows. Liu Bei was shocked when he saw it: "Yes, I saw the title on the back of the tablet is Young Woman." Let Yang Xiu write down his own understanding. Less prepared and Hedong Guan Yu, the word is unique. Young woman, Wang Jinghou of Zhongshan; Qiu Jiu: It means' receiving letters', and the word' ci' means' ci'. "Cao Cao said," don't say anything, let me think. "Walk three miles, Cao Caocai said, grandson embarrassed. Say to Xiu: No solution. We Jizhou people are prepared, do not avoid difficulties and obstacles, yearn for benevolent governance, do not despise Yuan Shao, and attach ourselves to generals; Grandson: My daughter's son, the word "good" means "good". The woman added, "I heard that people in Guizhou want the Yuan family, not because they don't know each other, but because their families are poor. They make a living by selling straw sandals with their mother. Let me think about it. Travel three miles, lonely and poor.