1. Everything is composed of yin and yang and the five elements. Substance is divided into yang quality and yin quality. Yin quality and yang quality are indispensable. They are opposite and unified to form a thing. The two opposite and unified aspects of things are divided into yin quality and yang quality. Yang quality, Yin quality and Yang quality have dual nature. A single thing can be divided into Yin quality and Yang quality independently. The carrier of matter is Yang quality, and the internal structure principle and movement law of matter are Yin quality.
The world is material, and matter is divided into yin and yang. Yin and yang are the two most basic properties of matter that are opposite and interdependent in any thing, including the universe, nature and people. Among them: the yang quality is characterized by the upward masculine nature, and the yin quality is characterized by the declining feminine nature. When things develop upward, Yin quality assists Yang quality. When things decline, Yin quality restrains Yang quality, and Yang quality expresses Yin quality. Yin quality leads all to yang quality, and the relationship between yin quality and yang quality is not equal. Things eventually develop forward, and yang quality is ultimately better than yin quality. Things move according to the law of the rise of yin quality and the decline of yang quality. Both are indispensable. The definition of yang quality and yin quality is because of their interdependence and opposition. The reasons are indispensable, so they must be defined together, and the definitions are separated from the essential connection between them. The above parts are all defined by yin quality and yang quality. content. Divide the universe into Yin quality and Yang quality: all things in space are Yang quality, and time is Yin quality.
2. Yin grows and Yang declines, Yang grows and Yin declines, the principle of mutual transformation and balance of Yin and Yang qualities.
3. People are divided into yin and yang: the human body is yang, and the internal structure and organization principles of the human body are yin; after the two are integrated, the body and structural principles are yang, and the spirit and soul consciousness are yin. According to the yin and yang qualities of a person's life activities, the yin quality is the movement pattern (destiny) of a person's life.
Four. Languages ??and characters are divided into yin and yang qualities: human written language is yang quality, and the meaning of language and characters is yin quality.
5. Human ideologies are divided into yin and yang qualities: under certain conditions, correct ideology is yang quality, and wrong ideology is yin quality.
6. According to human consciousness, yin and yang qualities are divided: under certain conditions, thoughts or theories that conform to the laws of the development of things at that time are yang qualities, and evil thoughts or theories that do not conform to the laws of the movement of things at that time are yin qualities.
Seven. All the yin and yang qualities of things must be distinguished within a certain time and space, and they will transform into each other in other time and space. The philosophical principles of these two idioms: adapt to local conditions and vary with time,
8. Definition of the Five Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth
The original Five Elements theory believed that the world is composed of the five elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. With the development of the Five Elements theory, the element composition theory was denied. The definition of the Five Elements Abstract theorized. It is still believed that the universe is composed of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, but there is no precise philosophical definition of the characteristics of each of the five elements. With the development of modern science, people have discovered magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, bioelectricity, biowaves, and the forms of energy conversion during their transmission. The new Yin-Yang and Five Elements theory combines these theories, re-analyzes, summarizes and refines the composition of matter, and believes that the universe is composed of "Yin-Yang and Five Elements". Yin-Yang will be discussed in detail in the following chapters. The five elements in quotation marks are no longer the five elements in the original five elements theory, but have a new philosophical meaning, that is, based on the ancient five elements theory, the most basic and primitive shapes and forms of matter have been summarized, refined and summarized. , believing that everything has the form and form of metal, wood, water, fire, and wood, referred to as the Five Elements. The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are defined below:
Metal: a material form with strong rigidity and its field energy Radiation form;
Wood: a material form with active upward growth characteristics and its field energy radiation form;
Water: a free-flowing material form and its field energy radiation form;
Fire: a material form with hot, dry and bright characteristics and its field energy radiation form;
Earth: a material form with stable and unchangeable characteristics and its field energy radiation form;
Nine. Example 1 The original manifestations of the five elements within a country.
In a country, there are government, military, social production, culture and education, science and technology, the most basic political system and economic system, and various industries and corresponding human and material properties. We will use this Everything in the country is divided into the original five categories according to the characteristics of the five elements.
First of all, the existence of a country must have an economic system and a political system suitable for the productivity level at that time, as well as corresponding government agencies and input of human, material and financial resources. These contents appear as earth. Their characteristics are that they are stable and difficult to change, the soil grows and stabilizes all things, and the superstructure stabilizes all other walks of life. Other components of the country develop and change under the basic economic system and political system.
Second, it is the country’s productive labor, including production tools, machinery and equipment, factory buildings and other means of production, human and financial resources, and people’s direct productive labor.
These contents are expressed as wood, which directly generate value, have the characteristics of growth, active upward growth, and produce material wealth for society.
Third, it is the country’s technical level in all aspects, scientific and technological research and development, technological exchanges with other countries, and people’s skills. These contents are expressed as water. It has the material characteristics of free flow and strong communication flow.
The fourth is the country’s material civilization, prosperity, material wealth, education, culture and sports, public welfare, entertainment and tourism, etc. These contents are represented by fire. It has the characteristics of being fiery, civilized, prosperous and festive.
The fifth one is the country’s military, laws, reward and punishment system and corresponding people, property and materials, which are represented by gold. It has tough and irresistible characteristics.
In this way, a country can be divided into the five most primitive categories according to metal, wood, water, fire and earth. The five original categories are indispensable. Without one of them, a country cannot be formed. Moreover, according to the original classification method, there is no sixth category to compare with these five categories. Specific things exist when these original five categories are combined with each other.
10. The dialectical relationship between the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth
In the previous chapter, the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth were defined respectively. This chapter will elaborate on the essential relationship between the five elements within things that are cyclical and mutually reinforcing. The New Yin-Yang Five Elements Theory inherits the essence of the ancient Chinese Five Elements Theory and believes that the five elements within things have the following principles: metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal. The principle of earth overcoming water, water overcoming fire, fire overcoming metal and interfering with each other in cycles is as shown in the figure below:
The meaning of "生" here is: a kind of The material form or field energy radiation form assists, promotes, and provides the original driving force to evolve and transform into another material form or field energy radiation form.
The meaning of "Ke" is: one form of matter or form of field energy radiation restrains, resists, counterattacks, opposes, resists, suppresses the forward development of another form of matter or form of field energy radiation.
In order to clearly explain the principle of the circulation of the five elements, we take the phenomenon of the five elements in specific things as an example to illustrate.
11. The principle of balance of the five elements
By analyzing the internal relationship of the five elements in a social system or country, we will discover another law of the movement of things: namely The five elements within things must be balanced with each other, and the proportions must be balanced, so that things can develop in a balanced way. If there is an imbalance, if one of the elements is missing or insufficient, it will cause setbacks in social development. For example, when society develops to a certain level, the productivity level has been greatly improved. This requires that the social economic relations, political system, and superstructure cannot remain at the original level. They need to be reformed and improved with the improvement of the productivity level, which is in line with the productivity level. The level must be consistent, otherwise, soil will overcome water, and the original production relations will affect the development of production. This is the basic condition for the normal operation and existence of things with balanced five elements. This principle theory will not be elaborated separately. The principle of the circulation of the five elements and the principle of the balance of the five elements are not only reflected in the process of social movements, but also in any kind of thing. Since there are qualitative differences between things, the principle of the cycle of the five elements of one thing is different from that of another. The content and form of the principle of the circulation of the five elements in a thing are different. In this regard, readers should pay attention to the qualitative differences between them when studying the phenomenon of the circulation of the five elements in other objects. But the law of mutual generation and mutual restraint will not change. In short, there is a principle of circulation and mutual restraint between the five elements and the principle of balance among all things.
Twelve. The speed of movement and change of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth is not uniform
According to the respective definitions of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, we know that the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth are qualitatively different and each has its own properties. Here, the definition of the five elements is described again.
Gold: A material form with strong properties and its field energy radiation form.
Wood: has upward growth properties
Water: has free-flowing properties.
Fire: It has the characteristics of heat, dryness and brightness.
Soil: It is stable and difficult to change.
Based on the above definition, we know that among the characteristics of the five elements inside things, both water and wood have the characteristics of movement. The characteristics of water are free flowing and easy to change, while the characteristics of wood are active and upward. grow. Therefore, the motions and changes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are different. Water and wood change quickly, while metal, fire, and earth change slowly. Earth, in particular, is stable and difficult to change due to its characteristics. In human society, In China, the production tools that express water, science and technology are changing with each passing day, and they have changed in a very short period of time. Because aquatic wood represents the production unit of wood, the same is true. Due to changes in production tools, the mechanical equipment that represents the yang quality of production enterprises is also constantly improving. With changes in hardware, the way of production and management is also constantly improving, such as capitalism. In the early days, in terms of employment, it gradually developed from a forcing method to a company-retaining method. The importance and competition for talents by major companies have far exceeded the initial management methods. But in terms of political system. In order to maintain social stability. The political system of the capitalist system has remained essentially unchanged.
In particular, the country’s Basic Law will not need to be revised for decades or even longer. For example, the Basic Law of the United States today has not been revised from the 18th century to the beginning of the 21st century, but has been gradually improved on this basis.
Thirteen. The relationship between the movement of yin and yang and the movement of the five elements (the law of yin and yang and the five elements)
Understanding the relationship between the movement of yin and yang and the movement of the five elements is to reveal the fundamental reason for the movement of things and to reveal this principle It is possible to clearly understand the movement state and movement process of things, thereby revealing the leap from quantitative change to qualitative change and the basic laws of the formation and development of all things. It is the core principle of this theory to reveal the relationship between the movement of yin and yang qualities and the movement of the five elements.
The new Yin Yang and Five Elements theory believes that the most primitive and initial formation of things is the arrangement and combination of anions and cations according to the arrangement and combination principle of Bagua. During the arrangement and combination process, they are expressed on the carrier of matter. First, the yin and yang in the carrier are combined into atoms, molecules, and compounds according to the rules of repulsion of the same sex and attraction of opposites. The diagram is shown as follows:
The following continues to explain the combination of yin and yang. The relationship between movement and the movement of the five elements is the fundamental reason for the movement of things and the fundamental reason for the qualitative leap. Taking a social system as a basis, it is represented by a diagram as follows:
In the diagram, a society is divided into five elements Divided into the five most basic components, as shown in (1) in the figure. The five major components of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth can be divided into yin and yang, as shown in (2) in the figure. Taking the social production of wood as an example, social production is divided into advanced production and backward production, that is, the carrier It is divided into yin quality and yang quality. The relationship between the yin quality and yang quality of the carrier is the fundamental reason for the movement of things. The yang quality of the carrier always defeats the yin quality, and production always develops upward. Production includes human labor, production methods and production tools. Here we take production tools as an example. Production tools are divided into advanced production tools and backward production tools. In the production process, advanced production tools gradually replace backward production tools. Quality defeats Yin quality. This is the inner connection between yang and yin expressed by using tools as carriers. In addition, the carrier of the tool is regarded as the yang quality, and the internal connection of the carrier's yang quality over the carrier's yin quality is used as the yin quality to analyze the movement rules of the duality of yang quality and yin quality. We know that during the use of each tool, as The carrier (yang quality) of the tool gradually wears out and is finally scrapped. The yang quality disappears, and the advantages and disadvantages of the working principle of this tool gradually become apparent during use. The yin quality rises. As the service life of the tool ends, The advantages and disadvantages of the working principle of the tool are all revealed. The yin quality rises to the extreme and the yang quality disappears (the tool is scrapped). In the process of using production tools, people will invent new tools based on their pros and cons, and produce new yang qualities. In this process, things undergo a qualitative change according to the law of yin growing and yang declining, yang growing and yin declining, and advanced production tools replace The removal of old production tools means that the social production of wood has taken a step forward from backward production to advanced production. In the process of advancement, social production shows dual changes of yin and yang qualities. With the forward development of social production. The social material wealth representing fire gradually increases, the superstructure representing earth becomes more and more stable, and the strength of the country becomes stronger and stronger. That is, the five major components of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are the most basic elements within society, are in conflict with each other. Relationships are also at work. The Yin and Yang qualities of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are also moving and changing according to their duality. Society continues to develop and change according to the principle of cycles between the five elements. When society develops to a certain speed, the power of earth becomes stronger and stronger, which in turn restrains the development of water, and society gradually declines until the last social system Toward destruction, the yang quality, the carrier of society, declines, and the contradictions in the internal laws of the social system (yin quality) are gradually exposed and rise. When the yin quality rises to the extreme, a social system ends, and a new social system replaces the old social system. It shows the duality of yin and yang in the social system, as shown in (3) and (4) in the figure. After the new society came into being, a new yin and yang and the five elements were produced, as shown in (5) in the figure.
Through the analysis of the relationship between the movement of yin and yang and the movement of the five elements, the intrinsic essential connections and laws of movement within things are revealed. It is the core principle of the new theory of yin and yang and the five elements. It reveals that one principle is We have obtained the golden key to reveal the true face and laws of motion of the universe. Putting this principle together, that is:
Things are composed of substances with two properties: Yin and Yang. Yang and Yin have dual natures. Yin and Yang are arranged and combined according to the Bagua principle. Development and change also constitute the five elements of things. Due to the movement and changes of yin and yang, the changes in the five elements are caused. The five elements also develop and change things through the principle of circulation and restraint. When things develop and change to a certain point, a qualitative leap occurs, and It manifests as changes in yin and yang qualities, and at the same time produces new yin and yang and five elements. The new Yin Yang and Five Elements move and change in an unlimited spiral according to the above principles. The theory simply calls this principle the law of Yin Yang and Five Elements.
All things have undergone countless qualitative leaps of non-unity in accordance with the laws of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, from the anions and cations in chemical elements. All things in the universe have developed to the present, including animals and plants in nature, people and human society.
Fourteen. The form of field energy radiation of matter
When the Five Elements were defined, the form of field energy radiation of matter energy was mentioned, but the form of field energy radiation was not elaborated.
After this theory explains the inner connection and movement laws of Yin, Yang and Five Elements, it goes back to discuss the field energy radiation form of matter, mainly because of the need for the structural arrangement of this theory and the need for a deeper understanding of things.
Understanding the form of field energy radiation of matter, you can clearly understand that there is a close connection between all things in the universe, between any two things, and some seemingly unrelated things; it is an explanation The ancient Chinese view of "correspondence between heaven and man", Eastern and Western astrology, Feng Shui, horoscope fortune telling, palmistry, Bagua divination and other prediction techniques are scientific basis; it also reveals the cyclical movement of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements of all things in the universe. , the basis of relative synchrony and systematic laws, and the process that prompts the generation of moving ectoplasm and human soul.
The manifestation of field energy radiation in thing entities
1. Definition of field energy
Field and energy are connected together. Field is energy in The size of spatial distance and the length of time. Energy is the energy that exists within the scope of the field. Field and energy are inseparable. The field energy radiation of matter radiates to the surroundings based on its location. During the radiation process, as the distance increases, it gradually weakens due to the absorption of other materials. Moreover, the way and intensity of energy radiated by different specific things also vary. no the same.
Usually manifested in several common forms such as light, sound, electromagnetic waves, magnetic fields, etc. In addition, there are other forms of expression,