I went to have my fortune told, and the fortune teller said that the springs that have been dry for many years have become clear again. What does that mean?

"The spring that has been dry for many years has become clear again" is a metaphor that is often used to describe a person or a thing that has regained its vitality and achieved positive changes after going through a difficult or depressed period. or progress.

This metaphor can be understood as a dry spring that may have lost its vitality and water source over the years due to a long-term drought or lack of water. However, over time, when the environment changes or the supply source reappears, this dry spring will turn into a clear spring, and clear water will emerge again. Similarly, life or things may experience downturns or difficulties, but as time goes by, the situation may change, bringing new opportunities and challenges, making people or things rejuvenated.

This metaphor conveys a positive attitude, suggesting hope and the possibility of change. It reminds us that even if we experience difficulties and setbacks, we should not lose faith because the future may bring positive changes and new opportunities. It encourages people to persist in their efforts, believe in their own potential and abilities, meet future challenges, and find new hope and vitality.

Hope it can help you~~