things refer to everything in the world. People, animals, plants, mountains, rivers, oceans, air, etc., everything is a thing in all things.
everything in everything is made up of its own cells.
everything is made up of countless cells that belong only to itself. Among these countless cells, some cells die all the time and new cells are born all the time. Therefore, everything in the world is constantly changing even when it is motionless.
Matter determines consciousness. No matter what you do, there is something in it. Even if you imagine it out of thin air, even if you have nightmares in the middle of the night and become a beautiful woman, you must have a brain to accompany it, so things and things are one, so it is called things. Things belong to consciousness, and things belong to matter.
so, even if everything in the world does nothing, something will happen.
even if everything in the world does nothing, something will happen. Even if all people in the world do nothing, they will die of aging. This is the change, the change that tends to die.
even if everything in the world does nothing, something will happen. Natural disasters are changes, that is, the earth regroups.