My son was born at 19:39 pm on November 15, 2013 according to the Gregorian calendar. What is missing from the five elements? What does it belong to? What's a good name?

Birthday (Gregorian calendar):

November 15, 2013 19:39

Birthday (lunar calendar): October 13th, Guisi year


Eight characters: Guisi, Guihai, Yiyou, Bingxu

Five elements: water, fire, water, water, wood, metal, fire and earth

Nayin: ever-flowing water, sea water, spring water, earth on the house

Five Elements Analysis:

Overview: The horoscope is relatively strong, and the horoscope likes "earth". It is best to name the character with the attribute of "earth" in the five elements. The analysis is as follows:

The five elements of this life are strong, water; the sun is dominated by the heavenly stem, which is wood (the same type is: wood and water; the different types are: fire, metal, and earth. Five element statistics: 1 wood, 2 fire, 1 earth, 1 metal, 3 Water)

Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Wood 1.56, Water 3.08, *** total 4.64 points; [Odd score]: Fire 2.01, Gold 1.60, Earth 0.50, *** total 4.11 points; [Difference]: 0.52 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 0.52 points, "Bazi is relatively strong"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is relatively strong, Bazi likes "earth", "earth" is the destiny. "The God of Joy".