Five Elements Theory Born at 21:58 on June 28, 2002

Birthday: 21:58 on August 6, 2002 in the Gregorian calendar. My zodiac sign is Horse and willow tree. The five elements of fire are strong, metal is lacking, and wood is lacking; the sun dominates the heavenly stem and is fire, born in summer.

(Same kind of fire and wood; different kind of water, metal and earth.)

Lunar calendar, Renwu year, June 28, Hai hour

Eight characters: Renwu, Dingwei, Bingwu, Jihai

Five elements: water, fire, fire, earth, fire, fire, earth and water

Nayin: willow wood, Tianhe water, Tianhe water, flat wood

Number of eight characters and five elements: 0 gold, 0 wood, 2 water, 4 fire, 2 earth

Four Seasons God Reference: Sun Lord Heavenly Stem Fire was born in summer, and most likes gold.