Male horoscope, born on September 29, 1991, at 00:03 am

Gregorian calendar birth time: 00:00-00:59, November 5, 1991

Lunar calendar birth time: September 29, Xinwei year

Eight Characters: Xinwei Wuxu Ji Mao Jiazi

Five Elements: Metal, Earth, Earth, Wood, Wood, Water

Nayin: Roadside Earth, Flat Earth, Wood, City Wall, Earth, Sea, Metal

Born in the year of Sheep, people born on the roadside are earth. In the five elements, earth is strong and fire is lacking. The sun dominates the sky stem and is born in autumn.

Same kind of earth and fire, different kind of wood, water and metal

Birthday horoscope and five elements fortune telling

The number of horoscope and five elements: 1 gold, 2 wood, 1 water, 0 Fire, 4 Earth

Four Seasons God Reference: Sun Lord Heavenly Stem Earth is born in autumn, likes fire and wood, avoids metal and water.