People follow the law, and the silent earth is like a modest gentleman. He bears all the changes in the world and embraces all the goodness, evil, beauty and ugliness of human beings. Endurance does not mean unprincipled tolerance, and tolerance is not infinite kindness. When human behavior crosses the bottom line, if we don't stop and make adjustments. He will slowly release the signal to remind people to pay attention. If mankind remains unchanged, it will send a stronger signal and sound an alarm for mankind. As a person, I have thoughts and concepts of right and wrong. Therefore, part of human nature is to know how to be grateful and know how to give back. Therefore, human actions must follow the laws of the earth, which is in line with the goal of win-win survival for both sides. Therefore, it is not that human beings should act in this way, but that human beings must abide by such laws, otherwise they will inevitably destroy themselves.
The earth is silent, and everything is inherited by virtue; The earth is silent, generous and tolerant of all beings; The earth wakes up and gives the most striking reminder to mankind in a silent place! No matter where you are, your survival must depend on the earth.