What is a spiral matrix?

There are different opinions about the spiral matrix, which refers to the shape image.

2 1 22 ................

20 7 8 9 10

19 6 1 2 1 1

18 5 4 3 12

17 16 15 14 13

Matrix of.

There are two problems:

1. Program to output this matrix.

2. The coordinate of the point 1 is (0,0), the X direction is positive to the right, and the Y direction is positive downward. For example, the coordinates of 7 are (-1,-1), 2 is (0, 1), and 3 is (65438).

1. The first question is constructed by simulation. It can be seen that the direction change from 1 is always right->; Down-> Left->; Up,

The continuous walking length is1->; 1->; 2->; 2->; 3->; 3->; ..., it is not difficult to write code after discovering this rule! Note that I set the location of 1 below.

At the position of ((n- 1)/2, (n- 1)/2).

Null simulation (integer)


int x,y;

x = y =(n- 1)/2; // 1

data[x][y]= 1;

int len = 1;

int count = 0;

int num = 2;

Direction dir = right;

while(num & lt; = n * n)


for(int I = 0; I & ltleni++)


Switch (direction)


Left side of case:

-y; Break;

Case rights:

++ y; Break;

Case up:

-x; Break;

Case down:

++ x; Break;

Default: break


data[x][y]= num++;



if(count == 2)


count = 0;



Dir = (direction) ((dir+1)% 4);



2. For the second question, I also find the law first, and then simulate it.

First of all, it is not difficult to see that the coordinate of the lower right corner of the spiral matrix of n*n must be (m, m), where m=n- 1.

It can be seen from observation that when n= 1, the value of the lower right corner (0,0) is 1, when n=2, the coordinate values of the lower right corner (1, 1) are (3,3), and when n=3, the lower right corner (.

A, b and c can be obtained by simultaneous equations. Finally f (n) = 4 * n 2-2 * n+1.

Next, calculate the value according to the relationship between (x, y) and the lower right corner (n- 1, n- 1). It should be noted here that when the value of x is the same as n- 1, priority should be given to whether y is related to-m. This requires us to pay attention to the judgment order of x and y in the function.

The code is as follows:

//Take the position of (1, 1) as the origin, with the X positive semi-axis to the right and the Y positive semi-axis to the down.

int GetValue(int x,int y)


int m = max(abs(x),ABS(y));

int right bottom = m * m * 4-2 * m+ 1;

int value = 0;

If (x == -m)


value = right bottom+2 * m+m-y;


else if( y == m)


value = right bottom+m-x;


else if(y == -m)


Value = rightbottom+4 * m+x+m;


else if( x == m)


value = right bottom-(m-y);


Return value;
