Birthday horoscope analysis results
Birthday (Gregorian calendar)
February 19, 2016 7:35
Birthday (Lunar calendar) C Shen year, the first lunar month, the twelfth hour
The eight characters Bingshen, Gengyin, Xinwei, Renchen
Five elements: fire, metal, metal, wood, metal, earth, water and earth
Nayin, fire under the mountain, pine and cypress wood Roadside soil, constant flowing water
Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "earth". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "earth" in the name. The analysis is as follows:
Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Gold 2.70, Earth 1.06, *** total 3.76 points; [Heterogeneous score]: Fire 1.92, Wood 1.37, Water 1.50, *** total 4.79 points; [Difference]: -1.03 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: -1.03 points, "The eight characters are weak"; "The eight characters like to use gods": The eight characters are weak, and the eight characters like "earth", and "earth" is this The "god of joy" in life.