Boys were born at 20 12, 1 1: 00, 15, 7: 05, with eight characters and five elements.

Birth information:

Gregorian calendar

: 2012165438+1October 7:00 15.



China traditional calendar

: 2012 65438+17: 00 on October 2 (Chinese zodiac: dragon)

Winter (traditional competition area)

Eight characters (four columns)



Chen Geng Day


Corresponding to five elements

: soil and water

Water gold/liquid gold



Five elements statistics

: gold 3 soil 3 water 2

Naming suggestion:

Balance of five elements

Missing five elements

Wood, fire, wood to be repaired, fire

Wood attribute words: including radical, grass, melon, rice, wood, rice and bamboo. For example: Ben, Jie, Park, Lin, etc.

Fire attribute words: including fire, sun and red. Example: Ming, Xiao, Chang, Jing, etc.

More choice

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