Why are the rear wheels of the Tenth Generation Civic outside the Eighth Generation?

The reason for this is the following:

I asked Pacific Auto Company and learned that:

1, this is because there are many corners on the track, and the pursuit of more extreme corner driving requires strong grip. Therefore, the rear wheel of the car will be set in the shape of the outer eight, which is generally not adopted by ordinary family cars.

2. In many cases, the gearbox is impacted and frustrated. In many cases, the damage is not the internal valve body, but the stubborn dirt and impurities inside the valve body, especially the dirt and impurities inside the valve body gather to form a blockage, which leads to the inability to effectively adjust the oil pressure, leading to frustration, impact and slippage.

3. normal. The number 8 outside the rear wheel of suv is actually a special design. This kind of wheel hub design can increase the grounding area of the car, thus significantly improving the grip and handling of the car, which will be obvious in many cars that pay more attention to handling. It wasn't an injury. Don't worry too much.

4. Inappropriate toe-in adjustment can also lead to tire eating, that is, an angle at which the front wheel leans slightly inward is similar to the inner figure of eight, which is high-speed stability ... Steering gear failure can also lead to tire wear and deviation. Uneven girders and deformation can also lead to tire wear. For example, some accident cars eat tires because the beam is deformed.