Mei Ming Teng’s five elements and zodiac signs analysis:
Birthday (Gregorian calendar)
September 12, 2009 10:45
Birthday (Lunar Calendar) Ji Chou Year, July 24, Si Shi
Eight characters Ji Chou, Guiyou, Geng Shen, Xin Si
Five Elements: Earth, Water, Metal, Metal, Metal, Fire
Na Sound Thunderbolt Fire Sword Edge Gold Pomegranate Wood White Wax Gold
Overview: The horoscope is strong, and the horoscope likes "wood". It is best to name the character with the five-element attribute of "wood". The detailed analysis is as follows:
The five elements of this life are gold; the five elements lack wood; the sun is ruled by the heavenly stem as gold? (Same type is: metal and earth; different types are: fire, wood, and water. Five element statistics: 0 wood, 1 fire, 2 Earth, 4 Gold, 1 Water) Analysis by God: [Same Score]: Gold 5.05, Earth 1.50, *** 6.55 points; [Odd Score]: Fire 0.70, Wood 0.00, Water 1.92, *** 2.62 Points; [Difference]: 3.93 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 3.93 points, "the eight characters are strong"; "the eight characters like to use gods": the eight characters are relatively strong, and the eight characters like "wood", and "wood" is the "" of this destiny. God of Joy".
Name Liu Shuyao score:
Cultural impression is 95 points. (Refer to idioms, poems and other factors)
90 points for five-frame mathematics. (Refer to the Zhouyi Mathematics for good and bad luck)
General review of Meiming:
This character is recommended for Meimingteng, which can match your surname better.
A common name for Yaoyao girls. It can be better matched with the naming book.
The word Yishu means works, calligraphy and painting, and scholars; Yao means beautiful jade, beauty, and Yaoxi, which has a beautiful meaning.
The pronunciation of Liu, Shu and Yao are liú, shū and yáo, and the intonations are Yangping, Yinping and Yangping. The rhythm is beautiful and catchy.
The character Liu has a left-right structure, and the name has 15 strokes; the calligraphy has a single-character structure, and the name has 10 strokes; Yao has a left-right structure, and the name has 15 strokes; the font is beautiful and easy to write .
The five-square stroke combination of this name is 15-10-15, which means the five-square strokes are very lucky.
The meaning idiom ox horn hanging book Yaochi Yuye expands the artistic conception of the name.