If you make good use of it, you will be happy to eat god, live together, and the government will protect your wealth; Officials like to spend money on each other, born to protect officials; India likes officials to kill each other and rob to protect India; Eating is fun, and being rich protects food.
If you don't use it well, kill the god of food seven times to subdue it, and avoid financial printing to help it; Wounded officials like to wear seals and uniforms to make money and turn injuries into injuries; The sheep blade likes the official killing to be uniform, and avoids the official killing; In order to subdue the officer, the moon is robbed of happiness, and the wealth is used to solve the robbery. This is also a big case of adversity. ……
However, there are also moon orders that are useless to God. What will happen? For example, Uzuki, whose day is the same as the month, cannot be used by itself. It depends on whether the four pillars have the financial officials to kill the grain and use God. But in the end, it is mainly based on monthly orders, and then it is used. It is the situation of building roads to grab the moon, not using it but using it.
This is the general idea of God. See the Annotated Edition of Zi Ping Zhen Quan for details.