The word meaning of Li's surname is that the five elements belong to wood, which represents the yin genus of Hu Xiao. Water and yin are in the same column, and the water vapor drops, and the yin is more lush. Therefore, Li and Ren Yin have a strong sense of fleeting time. If they hit the five elements of Ximu, they often best reflect their parents' ready-made blessings.
There are 24 solar terms in a year, defined as 12 months, and beginning of spring and rain are non-lunar months. In this way, the year column is non-yin, and the moon column is also non-yin. However, Shui Mu's five elements overlap in years and months, so it is easy to see that the wood and five elements are too strong, and it is often inappropriate to simply use the words of the golden five elements to form names. If you hit the five elements of Shui Mu, you should drain the wood to form a natural circulation structure of wood, fire and soil, or a structure of wood, fire and fire. If you hit the five elements of happy tree fire, you should follow the trend of wood to form a reverse circulation structure of golden water and wood, or a structure of wood fire.
Essence of five elements
There are 1 gold, 2 wood, 3 water, 1 fire, 1 earth. The eight-character qi and five elements are complete, and the principle of supplementing without considering the lack is directly matched with the five elements needed by the Lord according to the law of numerology change. Ding Huo is the master of life. Although the years and trees overlap and meet, there is no midday fire as the foundation of life. Three waters, one gold and one soil form the power to drain, and the fire wood becomes a "vulnerable group" instead.
Yin Mu's "positive seal" is like this, revealing the overlapping "officials" of benevolence and water. This is a fly in the ointment. The existence of Geng Jin sometimes leads to the repression of the case, which forms a consistent direction between the needs of the case and the needs of the Lord, so it is logical to add a fire. However, because wood has a certain influence in life, and Li's word meaning belongs to wood, it is not appropriate to make up wood too much.