Zhuyuan Village is affiliated to Zhuyuan Administrative Village, Zhuyuan Town, Fuyuan County, Qujing City, Yunnan Province, and belongs to the mid-levels area. It is located in the southeast of Zhuyuan Town, 1.5 kilometers away from Zhuyuan Village Committee and 1.2 kilometers away from Zhuyuan Town (where Zhuyuan Village Committee is located). The land area is 4.4 acres, the altitude is 1830 meters, the annual average temperature is 14.8 ℃, and the annual precipitation is 1404 mm. It is suitable for planting flue-cured tobacco, corn, wheat, broad beans and other crops. There are 902 acres of cultivated land, including 0.83 acres of cultivated land per capita; there are 5,600 acres of forest land. The village has 1 villager group, with 292 rural households and a rural population of 1,141, including 1,141 agricultural population and 590 laborers, of which 380 are engaged in the primary industry. In 2010, the total economic income of the village was 7.3857 million yuan, and the per capita net income of farmers was 5,346 yuan. By the end of 2010, the village had access to water, electricity, roads, telephones, and television, with no street lights. The village has 292 running water, 292 and 103 lines of television. 190 households with TVs account for 100% and 35% of the total number of households respectively. 65% of the households have fixed telephones or have mobile phones. The number of households is 210, of which 210 households have mobile phones. Number 208, accounting for 72% and 71% of the total respectively). The road from the village to the township is a simple highway; the road into the village is a dirt road; the main roads in the village are all unhardened roads; it is 1.2 kilometers from the nearest station and 1.2 kilometers from the nearest market. The village has 4 cars and 40 motorcycles. There are 15 solar farmers in the village; the effective irrigation area of ??cultivated land is 200 acres, and the effective irrigation rate is 100%. Among them, there are 200 acres of high-stable farmland, and the per capita area of ??high-stable farmland is 0.3 acres. By the end of 2010, rural households in this village were mainly housed in civil structure houses, of which 21 households lived in brick-concrete structure houses; 21 households lived in brick-wood structure houses; 214 households lived in civil structure houses, and 9 households lived in other structures. housing.