Born at 14: 2 on December 11th, 211, what is birthdates?

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 14: 2 on December 11th, 211

Birthday (Lunar calendar): at the end of November 17th, the year of Xinmao

Five lines: Jinshui Jinshui soil and water in Jin Mu

Na Yin: willow on the wall of pine and cypress

Here. The five elements lack fire; The sun and the sky are golden (the same kind is: golden soil; Heterogeneous: Firewood water. Five-element statistics: 1 wood, fire, 1 earth, 3 gold, 3 water), the eight-character is weak, and the eight-character likes "earth". It is best to use the word with the five-element attribute of "earth" for the name.