An idiom expresses one's struggle.

Hesitate, you

[Interpretation] Hesitation: Hesitation. Hesitation and vacillation; Make up your mind.

[Language] "Warring States Policy Zhao Ce San": "Ping Yuanjun hesitated."

[Pronunciation] Jude; It can't be pronounced "y not u".

[Shape discrimination] Jude; Can't write "special"; Affirmation; Can't write "unique".

Timid, indecisive, indecisive

[antonym] Act decisively

[Usage] Used to describe people who are ambiguous and indecisive on specific issues. Generally used as a predicate.

[Structure] Combined type.

[Discrimination] See "Indecision" (page 1229).

[Example] Facing fierce competition; He just came out of school ~; I don't know which way to go.

Unable to make up my mind