Looking for the horoscope of Xiaolong girl, her birth date is 16:17 on November 17, 2012 in the Gregorian calendar (the third day of September in the lunar calendar)

Born on October 17, 2012 at 16:17, the third day of the ninth lunar month: the eight characters: Renchen, Gengxu, Xinhai, Bingshen. Five Elements: Water, Earth, Metal, Earth, Metal, Water, Fire and Metal. If Wood is lacking in the Five Elements, the Sun Lord will be strong. It is necessary to use the God of Bing Fire during the Zhengguan period to overcome the calamity of Gold. We are happy with the Wealth Star Wood, avoid water and earth, and use the God as the star. Fire, it is appropriate to name it with the characters next to fire wood as it can complement the balance of the five elements.