Second, however,
Other experts have reservations before conducting some independent experiments.
If not, I will stick to my point of view, but allow my colleagues with reservations to come up with more data to communicate with me.
Four, according to the voting practice, the minority is subordinate to the majority, but has the right to have reservations about a bill.
Brandt also expressed reservations about Google's new motto.
My girlfriend has reservations about using birth control pills.
Seven, Spain's cabinet ministers have reservations about some French suggestions and expressed their satisfaction.
However, for several years, scientists have reservations about it because there is no strict test to confirm its existence.
We have reservations about this engine, but we also have hopes for hammers in case we have to use them in the future.
I have no doubt that people in his party or others may have reservations about this, but so far, I think we are achieving our goal step by step.
Eleven, McCain expressed support for the plan, while Obama has reservations.
12. Personally, I have reservations about the interface.
Thirteen, some scientists have found that alcoholic beverages can accelerate gastric emptying and gastric acid, while others have reservations.
14. However, a recent study poured cold water on this dream and sprinkled a handful of salt, which made people have reservations about this hope.
15. British Chancellor of the Exchequer Tim? Geithner said he heard an encouraging new plan, although he had reservations about the lack of details.
Sixteen, civil engineering is not an explanation but an inaccurate statement; Wilson expressed his reservation quite correctly.
17. Reagan said that she thought George H.W. Bush had done a good job as her husband's vice president, but she had reservations about Barbara bush: "I never knew her.
Siqiaohan Blau of the South African Sign Language Translators Association said.
Previously, the association had received many complaints that Janch's work performance was not good.
The association has reservations about the Yankees.