Eight characters and five elements, naming

Birthday (Gregorian calendar): 20121.0616 23: 45.

Birthday (lunar calendar): the third day of October in the year of Renchen.

Eight hundred characters: Ren Chen Xinhai people's five-watch characters

Line 500: Earth, water, gold, water, fire and gold.

Summary: Eight characters are strong, and eight characters like "earth", so it is best to use the word "earth" as the name. The analysis is as follows:

This life is full of water; The five elements lack wood; The sun is dry and the sky is watery. Heterogeneity: firewood and soil. Five-element statistics: 0 wood, 1 fire, 1 soil, 2 gold, 4 water)

God analysis: [similar score]: water 4.45, gold 2.00, * * * 6.45; [Heterogeneous score]: fire 1.06, wood 0.72, soil 0.50, * * * 2.28; [Poor]: 4. 17 points; [Comprehensive rise and fall score]: 4. 17, "strong eight characters"; Eight characters like to use gods: eight characters are strong, and eight characters like "earth", which is the "western god" of this life.

When the scores of the same kind and different kinds are basically the same, the five elements of yin and yang are more balanced and life is smoother. When the scores of the same kind and different kinds are too different, the personality of life will be too strong or too weak, and life will fluctuate greatly. When naming a name, you need to observe what the eight characters need to use (XiShen), and then add the corresponding five-line attribute text to the name.