What is the fate of Gengwu month, Shuwu day and Yin time in the year Jiawu? Please tell me what is missing from the five elements, please?

Five Elements and Eight Characters Analysis Results

Birthday (Gregorian Calendar):

June 16, 2014 at 4:00 pm

Birthday (Lunar Calendar) ): Nineteenth hour of the fifth month of the Jiawu year

Eight characters: Jiawu, Gengwu, Wuwu, Jiayin

Five elements: wood, fire, metal, fire, earth, fire, wood, wood

Nayin : On the roadside of gold in the sand, earth, sky, fire, big stream of water

Five element analysis:

Overview: The horoscope is strong, and the horoscope likes "water". It is best to name it with the five-element attribute "water" ” word. The analysis is as follows:

In this life, the five elements of wood are prosperous; the five elements are short of water; the sun is ruled by the heavenly stem: earth (the same type is: earth and fire; the different type is: metal, wood, and water. Five element statistics: 3 wood, 3 fire, 1 earth, 1 Gold, 0 water)

Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Earth 1.20, Fire 3.96, *** 5.16 points; [Odd score]: Gold 1.00, Wood 2.70, Water 0.00, ** *Total 3.70 points; [Difference]: 1.46 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 1.46 points, "Bazi is strong"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is strong, Bazi likes "water", "water" is this The "god of joy" in life.