Five Elements and Eight Characters Analysis Results
Birthday (Gregorian Calendar):
June 16, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Birthday (Lunar Calendar) ): Nineteenth hour of the fifth month of the Jiawu year
Eight characters: Jiawu, Gengwu, Wuwu, Jiayin
Five elements: wood, fire, metal, fire, earth, fire, wood, wood
Nayin : On the roadside of gold in the sand, earth, sky, fire, big stream of water
Five element analysis:
Overview: The horoscope is strong, and the horoscope likes "water". It is best to name it with the five-element attribute "water" ” word. The analysis is as follows:
In this life, the five elements of wood are prosperous; the five elements are short of water; the sun is ruled by the heavenly stem: earth (the same type is: earth and fire; the different type is: metal, wood, and water. Five element statistics: 3 wood, 3 fire, 1 earth, 1 Gold, 0 water)
Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Earth 1.20, Fire 3.96, *** 5.16 points; [Odd score]: Gold 1.00, Wood 2.70, Water 0.00, ** *Total 3.70 points; [Difference]: 1.46 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: 1.46 points, "Bazi is strong"; "Bazi likes to use God": Bazi is strong, Bazi likes "water", "water" is this The "god of joy" in life.