The birthday is at noon on June 29th. 1992.

Birthday (Gregorian calendar):1June 29th, 992 12: 00 (Lunar calendar):1May 29th, 992 12: 00.

Bone weight: 328 constellation: Cancer year Zodiac: Monkey is 24 years old (nominal age)

Birthday Four Pillars: Ren Shennian Bingwu Moon Bingzi Day Wu Jia Time: Noon Zodiac: Horse

Four pillars and five elements: water, gold, annual fire, moon fire, water, sun and wood fire, congenital five elements: Jin Yinna, five elements: sword Jin Feng.

Five-element statistics: 1 wood, 4 fire, 3 soil, 1 gold, 3 water (including underground branches and hidden stems), and the five elements are inherently balanced.