My grandson was born at midnight on June 18 12.55 this year. He is short of land and gold. His father's surname is Nie. What should I call his mother's surname?

Birthday (Gregorian calendar) 201910/0 month 18 00:55?

September 20, 2008 birthday (lunar calendar)?

Eight-character Ji Hai Wu Jiayi word Renzi?

Five elements of soil, water, wood, soil, water, water, water?

LMNT fire; This horoscope likes to use the god "fire"

Kelvin Chen

Chi: Five elements belong to fire, which is a very popular word named after boys. The original meaning refers to the galloping of horses and chariots, and it is extended to be famous far and near.

Chen: pronounced as chēn, the radical is Wang, which is related to jade. It originally refers to high-value jewelry, so appearing in a boy's name means wealth and dignity.