Install the toilet yourself or hire someone to install it.

It's simple for a hydraulic engineer. Now all the shops that buy sanitary ware have professional installers who are responsible for installation. If you are not responsible for installation under special circumstances, you can only ask a plumber to help you install it. The installation of the toilet is very simple. Firstly, the splayed valve of the water inlet part is wound on the raw material belt and tightened on the reserved hole with a wrench, and then the splayed hose is connected and fastened with the toilet. Then, the toilet can be repaired. As long as the center of the drain pipe and toilet is marked, the flange can be stuck in the center for installation. Uneven leveling may occur. You need to put a thin gasket on one corner to level the tile and break the drain pipe. When the figure-eight hose is connected with the figure-eight valve, you are ready to seal it with glass glue and punch holes evenly on the contact surface between the toilet and the ground with a glue gun.